Friday, January 18, 2008

Hi, I'm Pep!

Hello! I am Pepe Le P.u., the Siberian Husky. I live in New Orleans with my companion human, eMjay, whom i adopted one year ago. The following is my journal- some musing and observations of the world around me.
I was born around 2 years ago. Most of my early life is a blur. I dont rember much, just that i lived with a family who put an invisible fence shock collar around my neck and tried to keep me around. Thats not really important, what is important is a year ago the day after thanksgiving I found my current best friend, eMjay. That story follows....

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Day, 2006

Here I am. I have been running  for what seems like forever. Its Thanksgiving and I am in Port Allen, LA. The sugarcane is high and i have been exploring the countryside. Today I found a recreation center and have been staying close to it. It is on the corner of 2 highways and there is alot of traffic, but i have been keeping out of the way. i am REALLY hungry and the trashbins are full around the center. people seem nice here. there is a pitbull on a chain across the street that i have visited and she seems nice, but cant seem to break her chain to run with me. we play, but shes has to stay in one place. There is also a black lab behind a fence and he barks at me like he wants to play. maybe i can find a way into the yard. for now i am content to just run around and visit the horse and cows in the field next door. it's great to be out.